Wondering ‘Where Can I Buy Manuka Honey’? Here Is A Helpful Guide For You

Anna Wilson
2 min readMay 5, 2021
order Manuka honey online

Honey is well-known for its sweet, delectable taste as well as its many health benefits and one kind that sets it apart from the rest is the Manuka honey.

Before you order Manuka honey online, here is an easy guide for the ones who aren’t aware of the product. Manuka honey is a rare form of honey that is much more potent than standard honey which is made in New Zealand, where the Manuka bush naturally grows. When bees pollinate the flowers of the Manuka bush, the rich honey is produced. The bush contains powerful antibacterial compounds found mainly in Leptospermum plants to which the bush belongs, which makes Manuka honey special as well as expensive.


- Manuka honey is mono-floral honey; the bees pollinate from the Manuka bush hence, are more expensive than regular honey because of their distinctive flavor, medicinal attributes, and unique properties.

- The leaves of the Manuka bush were first used by the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand who used them to cure colds and skin disease.

- Like chocolate, Manuka honey to have to pass the parity check of 70% or more to be labeled as Manuka Honey and to be sold off to bring you the best when you order Manuka honey online.

- Kakariki parakeets, native to New Zealand, eat the leaves and bark of the Manuka bush to get rid of pests from their body. They also chew it and blend it with preen gland oil before applying it to their feathers.

Uses and Benefits

Well-known for its medicinal usage, here are a few health benefits and uses of Manuka honey.

  1. Anti-bacterial properties: Honey has been used as a medicinal remedy for wounds and other skin infections since ancient times.

Manuka honey has been shown to be a potent antibacterial agent in scientific studies of its healing properties.

  1. Oral health: Manuka honey’s antibacterial properties have also been shown to benefit dental health, as it helps to prevent cavities, plaque, tooth decay, and bleeding gums.
  2. Strep throat: Strep throat is a bacterial infection that causes a sore and inflamed throat. Streptococcus progenies, also known as Group A streptococcus, is the bacteria that causes strep throat. Manuka honey has the ability to heal and reduce bacterial growth, thus reducing inflammation.
  3. Wounds and skin issues: Manuka honey is an effective topical remedy for infected skin, minor burns, and skin infections and issues due to its potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

When you are considering ordering Manuka honey online, make sure you find the best seller online who provides you with the best products. To know more check for reviews and referrals



Anna Wilson

Hello I’m Anna Wilson from US. I’m a Blog Writer. I love Writing.